15hr Assisting & Adjustments Training
Friday Sept 28 & Saturday Sept 29, 2018
Co-Taught by Sarah Diedrick & Caitlin Pascucci
"A hug, pat on the back, and even a friendly handshake are processed by the reward center in the central nervous system, which is why they can have a powerful impact on the human psyche, making us feel happiness and joy…"
As yoga teachers, we have the opportunity to develop a connection with each person who steps on their mat with us. By gaining a deeper awareness of who we want to be as a teacher, we are able to create deeper and more meaningful connections not only with our students, but with our overall intention behind teaching. Touch is just one way to deepen this connection, but one that can be so powerful.
Join Caitlin Pascucci & Sarah Diedrick for a 2-day training (Friday Sept 28 & Saturday Sept 29, 2018) on hands-on assisting and adjustments. You will learn beginner and advanced techniques for assisting yoga poses and creating a deeper connection with students. By the end of this training, you will leave with tools, resources, and practice time to build confidence in your assisting skills so that you can bring added value to your classes and deepen your personal practice as a yoga teacher & student.
The weekend will cover and include:
- Assisting and adjustment philosophy from an alignment-based perspective.
- Review of asana alignment principles and a deeper understanding of how to assist each class of asana based on the student’s individual body.
- Setting intention while assisting.
- How to observe the class to offer the best possible assist.
- Exploring techniques for protecting our own bodies as the teacher.
- How to enter and exit an assist, how to move with the student during the assist, and how to transition between poses while assisting.
- Much of each day will be based around discussion, breakout practice, and feedback with q&a. Participants should bring a notebook.
- Photos will be taken and be shared privately online following the training to serve as a reference point. All participants receive a manual. Certificate received upon completion of homework.
- Location: Sangha Studio North, 237 North Winooski Ave.
- Dates: Friday, September 28th 10:30am-4:30pm & Saturday, September 29th 8am-5pm
- Must be enrolled in a YTT program or certified yoga teacher: $180 non-members, $150 Sangha Studio YTT graduates & Sangha Studio members // $20 discount if booked by 8/30/18
- Email info@sanghastudio.org if 15 CEU credits are desired.
- Pre-registration required. Minimum 10 people required to host workshop.
Advanced Assisting & Adjustments Training
Sunday Sept 30, 2018
Co-taught by Sarah Diedrick & Caitlin Pascucci
This training is geared toward teachers who have been assisting regularly in class, teachers who have a deeper understanding of anatomy, and anyone who attended the 15-hour Hands-On Assisting & Adjustments Training and is looking to build on those skills. Learning will focus on assisting inversions, balancing poses, and how to assist students who have a more advanced practice. We will learn and practice giving first, secondary, and tertiary assists. The goal of this training is for each participant to be able to scan a class and assist different body types, different levels of practice, and move in an assist to offer an individualized adjustment with confidence.
The weekend will cover and include:
- Assisting and adjustment philosophy from an alignment-based perspective, with emphasis on inversions, balancing poses, and advanced backbends
- Review of asana alignment principles and a deeper understanding of how to assist advanced practitioners
- How to move with the student during the assist and seamlessly transition between multiple assists within the same posture
- Much of each day will be based around discussion, breakout practice, and feedback with q&a. Participants should bring a notebook. Photos will be taken and shared privately online following the training to serve as a reference point. All participants receive a manual. Certificate available on request upon completion of homework.
- Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend the 15-hour Level 1 training as we will be diving right into concepts and practice for this shorter training.
- Location: Sangha Studio North, 237 North Winooski Ave.
- Date/Time: Sunday, September 30th 2018, 12:30pm-5pm
- Must be enrolled in a YTT program or certified yoga teacher: $80 non-members // $60 Sangha Studio YTT graduates & Sangha Studio members // $10 discount if booked by 8/30/18
- Email info@sanghastudio.org if CEU credits are desired.
- Pre-registration required. Minimum 10 people required to host workshop.